We are dedicated to help you with any of the assets you purchase from us. If you have any questions please take a look at the FAQ, the documentation and the Forum. Whenever possible use the Forum to ask questions as it will help others that may also have the same question. If you require assistance in which you do not want to share sensible information with the public please contact us by email at

Join the forum and our Discord!

Join the forum and Discord where our awesome community of gamers and developers discuss about different topics. If you have any questions about the assets you bought people from our community will help you out in the forums.


Asset Documentation

Some of our assets have extensive documentation to allow you to take full advantage of them. The documentation is always up to date with the last version of each asset. You may find the documentation for each asset on their page.



The assets are sold on the Unity asset store. The games will be sold on Steam and/or
We do! Most of the Dypsloom group members work independently and each have a different consulting rate. Send us an email at and we will give you an offer.
Yes of course. You can use the assets in your game. What you are not allowed to do is sell or give away the raw assets, read the Terms and Conditions for more information. It is not required but we would be really thankful if you credited us when publishing your game :)